Monday 18 May 2009

Narcissus and The Merman

Narcissus and The Merman

And with the glitter trickling from my eyes, I look to the skies...
the the stars on the water’s edge...won't you watch me awhile?
I can be your Narcissus, if only you’ll be my water, my life, my end to all lies.
Placing my finger tips into the water, tickling the already existing ripples from where you fell from the sky; tickling you until you cry.

Looking into the water, I see not I, but rather a distant memory, of the boy whom loved the Earth. Who now loves the water; where he finds you, dancing, waving, crawling.
I bring the tips back up and raise them to the sky; the clouds, the Moon, the stars.
Yes! You shine brighter merman, with your emerald tail glistening in the water, battering the waves, ceasing any stillness that might have been. Your scales, like diamonds resting softly on your tail, you are so beautiful, any woman would royally wear thee as their trinket.

And I? I see thee in my dreams, where you come on land, and we run; through the woods, through the fog and ice. Your hand held in mine, the hands soft from the battering of the waves, from the times spent fleeing…fleeing that awful weighting loneliness.

And yet Merman, love?

You can learn to love me, like the swallows have learned to grace the skies.
Like eternity has learned to accept solitude, like the Moon has learned to accept to be alone!
amongst her sister planets, her cousin stars. You can learn,
like your Sapphire eyes have learnt to reflect the steeliness of mine- you brighten the coldness.

Your arms like vines draw around my neck, far from menacing, like an embrace of invitation.
Your whispering song shatters the air; fragments of dust betwixt pulverized diamond rain…
Your arms gracefully slip down mine, until our fingers touch, soft hands…

Intertwining your fingers in mine you pull me closer to the water’s surface, our lips close to touch- but not quite.
I am falling in now, slowly, the melted silver and sapphire colours of the water warm my fingers, my wrists, my arms, my face and neck…everything.
You are my ocean, and I will learn to float, forever, an eternity of resting on you.
The waves; your arms, envelop me tenderly, around my waist and onto my chest…
You drag me into the darkness, deeper and deeper, I cannot breathe.
But your head resting against my back tells me all will be alright;
And as I close my eyes and let your love carry me down, I feel warmth; of a better place.

There is no world around us anymore, is there?
There is you and I, and the water, most beautiful water, you are so kind.

The swallows drop to the Earth like bombs, thud, thud, thud, dead.
The trees uproot and run, run into the seas to drown.
The Moon cries out for help, being broken down by the fall of her sister planets, crash, crash, crash; dead Moon, beautiful Moon.
The stars burn their brightest to outshine your eyes, but within an iota of a heartbeat; gone, surpassed.

Narcissus and The Merman, with their arms around each other, and their lips pressed, float and drift away with the shifting waves.
There is no world around us anymore, is there?
There is you and I, and the water, most beautiful water, you are so kind.

Lukee Grant.

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